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UML Diagram For Blogging Platform Mini Project -1

In this Article first of all we learn about what is UML?   then we will see the Uml Diagrams for Blogging Platform mini project that helps to student to develope a the Blogging Platform mini project . It helps to student who are studing in BCS,BCA, BTech,BE,MCA for drawing UML diagram for thier acadmic project .they can get referance from this diagrams. Lets Start, What is UML? UML is Stands for Unified Modeling Language . It is a part of Software Engineering . Typically ,software architects or designers aften take the lead in creating UML diagrams to communicate and document the system's design. It's a standardized way to visually represent and design software systems. Followings are UML Diagram 1. ER Diagram for Blogging Platform : 2. Class Diagram : 3. Use Case Diagram: System Use Case Diagram : Use Case Diagram: User Management ,Blog Management,Commenting and interaction Module : Use Case Diagram ...

"Python programiTutorial Part 2: "

  Hey guys , Welcome back in new post Python Tutorial part-2 . Lets start the remaining part here.. First Python Program: Before starting a code we have to install python on your machine for more about installation click me We will discuss the basic syntax of python. now firstly we will see the first and simple "HELLO WORLD "program. Run this program. Python provides us two way to run the program: 1.Using Interactive interpreted command prompt. this is image of Interactive interpreted command prompt with the "HELLO WORLD" program with output. 2.Using a script file. This is the image of  script file with the code of "HELLO WORLD ' program with out put.  Script mode has some advantages and disadvantages : 1.We run multiple lines of code at a time in script mode.  2.Run and interpretation process or debugging is easy in the script mode. 3.It is best for beginners and expert also. Disadvantages:-...

Learn Database and SQL concept in Short

What is Databases? Database is any collection of related information. It containt any type of data including word,Images,videos, numbers and files. What is Database Management Systems(DBMS)? A special softwware program that helps users create and maintain a database. make it easy to manage large amounts of information, handle secuirity, backup,importing and exporting data,concurrency. Some Main Types of Databases: 1. Relational Databases:  It uses SQL language for performing operations. organized data into one or more tables. each table has columns and rows, A unique Key identifies each row. 2.  NoN Relational Databases: It uses NoSQL language for performing operations. organized data in anything but a traditional table. Key-value stores,Documents(JSON,XML,etc),Graphs,Flexible Table. 3. Cloud Databases: A cloud database is used where data requires a virtual environment for storing and executing over the cloud platforms and there are so many cloud computing services for accessi...

What is Hashtable, And what are features of Hashtable ?

Introduction : A hashtable is a data structure that allows you to store and retrieve value using a key. It is a widely used data structure in computer science for implementing associative arrays, sets and  caches. The bsic idea behind a hashtable is to use a hash function to map key to indices in an array. This allows for efficient insertion, deletion and retrieval of values. Here are the Key Features of hashtables: 1. Key-value Storage: A hash Table stores data in key-value pairs. The key is used to uniquely identify each entry in the hashtable. The value is the data associated with the key. 2.  Hash Function: Hash function takes a key as input and produces a fixed size hash code(usually an integer) as output. The hash code is used as an index to store the key-value pair in the array. An ideal hash function distrubutes keys uniformly across the array, minimizing collisions. 3. Array Storage: Hash Table use an array to store the key-value pairs. The array sixe is typically det...

Designing a Student Grading Android App: A Step-by-Step Guide

 Introduction: In this blog post, we will walk through the process of designing an Android application that takes student details and subject marks as input, calculates the student's grade based on the obtained percentage, and displays the result using ViewGroup components. Step1: Setting Up the Project Start by creating a new Android Studio project. Choose an appropriate project name and set up the basic configuration. Ensure that you have the latest Android SDK installed. Step2: Desinging the User Interface (UI): Write a below code in activity_main.xml file located in res ->layout-> activity_main.xml  Xml code: <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8" ?> < LinearLayout xmlns:android ="" android:layout_width ="match_parent" android:layout_height ="match_parent" xmlns:tools ="" a...