Introduction : A hashtable is a data structure that allows you to store and retrieve value using a key. It is a widely used data structure in computer science for implementing associative arrays, sets and caches. The bsic idea behind a hashtable is to use a hash function to map key to indices in an array. This allows for efficient insertion, deletion and retrieval of values. Here are the Key Features of hashtables: 1. Key-value Storage: A hash Table stores data in key-value pairs. The key is used to uniquely identify each entry in the hashtable. The value is the data associated with the key. 2. Hash Function: Hash function takes a key as input and produces a fixed size hash code(usually an integer) as output. The hash code is used as an index to store the key-value pair in the array. An ideal hash function distrubutes keys uniformly across the array, minimizing collisions. 3. Array Storage: Hash Table use an array to store the key-value pairs. The array sixe is typically det...
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